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Why PNG needs an effective Industrial Relations System

Effective Industrial Relations System & Union Movement In PNG Since taking on teaching the topic of Industrial Relations I have come to realized how important Industrial Relations are in every nation. Here in PNG we major on Human Resource and absorb Industrial Relations into Human Resource however Industrial Relations should be viewed through a different set of eyes and not one with the HR lens. On top of that we also have a union body that is almost covered over and not allowed to play its role effectively in society. Either because they are suppress by the government and employers or they have just lost their creativity to grow and remain active and vibrant in the community. Papua New Guinea inherited its IR policies from its colonial masters.  PNG’s IR system is a product of colonialism (imbun) generally, the colonial state and settler capitalists in PNG were responsible for providing the employment that consequentially contributed to industrial relations. Only a handf...

God's Goodness & Favour On Our Lives

I want to share a personal testimony with you all on the goodness and favour of God upon our lives. To God be all the glory and praise. I had been planning for my trip to the Gold Coast Victory Campaign for over two months. I applied for visa bought tickets booked hotels and coaches all in August. By early September I bought a clear zip lock bag and put all my travel documents the convention itinerary and a pocket size notebook for taking notes. All set and placed on the table in the study room. On the night before my travel I packed the suitcase checked and ensure that all I needed was inside and documents on hand for the trip early next morning. I booked one day in advance for an R&R at the Gold Coast before the convention starts the next day. I had a full day of travel from Lae to Pom and then from Pom to Brisbane and then to the Gold Coast arriving at the hotel by 6:30 in the evening. Because Nadzab was a fair way from Lae I called the bus shuttle to pick me up that evening...

Chariots of Light

Last week I was blessed to be part of the Gold Coast Victory Campaign Hosted by Kenneth Copeland Ministries at the Gold Coast Convention Centre at Surfers Paradise. Whilst there I met a ministry called Chariots of light it caught my interest as they had a red bike not sure if it was a Hayley parked at the entrance to the convention. So I got to talking with the person manning the booth. He told me about a bit of their history which I will retell. CoL was formed by Dr Jerry Savelle as a street ministry to minister on the streets to people about the love of God. He started off as a street preacher when God called him to ministry. He ministers to prostitures drug addicts and all those that you can find on the streets. As pastor Jerry says God is a master at making nobodies into champions. CoL is still very much at the heart of street ministries and they go out in their bikes to minister the gospel to the people on the streets in every country they are in. As I was wrapping up my discussio...

Cocoa Festival Show

Last month I took my students down to the Ignatius Kilage Stadium in Lae as part of their Change Management Course to see the changes that has taken place in the cocoa Industry in PNG. We have come a long way from growing cocoa beans to down stream processing of cocoa into finish goods. Here we had the opportunity to speak with various stake holders which support the industry and the very backbone of the industry the farmers themselves. The Cocoa Industry has grown and Minister Maru who officiated at the ceremony said PNG wants to hit the production rate of 1B by 2022 from its current of 350 mio. Such an ambitious target for the country 65% increase. I had the opportunity to speak with alot of small holders who actually supply almost all the cocoa for export as cocoa plantations is minimal and all farmers are small holders. They still face a lot of challenges one of the main they highlighted is the route to market for the beans. They usually have to bring them in either by boat or ca...

Buns with creamy coconut sauce

Lemon Grass Herbal Tea

If you grow lemon grass at home here's a great way to create your own herbal tea anytime of the day. All you need is handful of lemon grass leaves, say 5-10 leaves wash it give it a good squash and place in a teapot. Pour in boiling water and leave it simmer for 10 mins. Then serve whilst hot if you have honey add a teaspoon to it. In no time you will have a aromatic herbal tea at minimal cost or none if you don't want to add any sweeterner. Enjoy!

Vision Board

Vision Board We all have various pictures of what visions we have of our lives and how it would turn out to be. Vision, as defined in the Macquarie Junior Dictionary, is the” power or sense of seeing”. What pictures do you conjure up in your mind as you think of your journey in life? The bible is filled with lots of faith pictures telling us stories of the various Bible heroes and what they went through in life to reach the various callings that God has for them. Faith is defined as seeing what you believe about yourself and more or less it is about seeing pictures of what and how you want your situation to turn out.   In the book of  Habakkuk:  2-3 “it says to write the vision make it plain that those who read it may run with it’.  Well, one Sunday morning the kids stayed at home because it was raining so I decided to have creative church with them. Our scripture reading was based on Habakkuk 2 and to make it become more practical and realistic I got the...