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Vision Board

Vision Board

We all have various pictures of what visions we have of our lives and how it would turn out to be. Vision, as defined in the Macquarie Junior Dictionary, is the” power or sense of seeing”. What pictures do you conjure up in your mind as you think of your journey in life? The bible is filled with lots of faith pictures telling us stories of the various Bible heroes and what they went through in life to reach the various callings that God has for them.
Faith is defined as seeing what you believe about yourself and more or less it is about seeing pictures of what and how you want your situation to turn out.  In the book of Habakkuk: 2-3 “it says to write the vision make it plain that those who read it may run with it’. 
Well, one Sunday morning the kids stayed at home because it was raining so I decided to have creative church with them. Our scripture reading was based on Habakkuk 2 and to make it become more practical and realistic I got them to do Vision Boards of their lives.
We used A5 old newspapers and got them to cut out as many pictures as they want out of old magazines and newspapers and create a vision board of their lives. We had an hour to put together our vision board and then got each of them to present back to the group what they put together
You will be amazed as to how your children see themselves and what great dreams they are conjuring up in their minds. It will give you a great perspective of how you can help them channel those dreams into reality.
Later you can use this vision board as a talking tool to encourage them and motivate them whenever they feel discouraged and down about school/life.

As a parent look for creative ways to minister to your kids using the word of God. You will be amazed at how quickly they catch on to the dream that God has for their lives and learn the moral or principle behind the biblical scriptures.


  1. Will try this out with my kids, thank you for sharing

    1. @Kaludia Am blessed my pleasure and do share lovely to see how things go. Godbless


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