If you grow lemon grass at home here's a great way to create your own herbal tea anytime of the day. All you need is handful of lemon grass leaves, say 5-10 leaves wash it give it a good squash and place in a teapot. Pour in boiling water and leave it simmer for 10 mins. Then serve whilst hot if you have honey add a teaspoon to it. In no time you will have a aromatic herbal tea at minimal cost or none if you don't want to add any sweeterner. Enjoy!
Pricing is something that most of us take for granted. Am not sure if you really think about price apart from when there is a price increase. Have you ever wondered how people price goods and services and what should be the correct way of pricing your items. If you price too high you will loose customers and if you price too low then you will not make a profit so there is a place where you need to come too rightly to price items. As a christian there is also God's pespective on pricing. The book of levitcus is where God instructed the Isrealites on how to price items 26: 14 And if thou sell ought unto thy neighbour, or buyest ought of thy neighbour’s hand, ye shall not oppress one another: God is very clear he does not want us to oppress another brother by putting our price too high that they struggle to buy our item and if they do they forgo other necessecities that they need in life. When you are pricing your good or service what is the first thing that comes to min...
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