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Buns with creamy coconut sauce

Have you tried bun with a twist. Yesterday we christianed the new outdoor oven with various baked goods. One of it was the coconut cream buns. Here we used the following receipe;
1x 7g dry yeast
1 cup warm water
Pinch of Salt
1 egg beaten
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
3 cups plain shifted wholemeal or plain flour

Coconut Cream Sauce
1 cup coconut cream
2 tablespoon sugar

Place warm water in a bowl and add the yeast to it. To ensure the yeast is activated sit it for 10mins or longer depending on the activation of the yeast.
After 10 mins pour the mixture into a bigger bowl.
Add the egg, sugar, oil, and pinch of salt.
Then add flour and mix with a fork until it forms into a sticky dought. Then knead it working from the sides in. Add extra flour if need be to ensure that it gives you a nice elastic feel.
Place dough in a bowl cover with a clean cloth and leave it in a warm place for 1 hour. After an hour the dought should raise giving you a nice mushroom shape.
Punch in the centre and knead again then roll into a retangular shape then into a long sausage shape lenghtwise. Cut into 9 equal size scrolls shaped into a nice dome and place on a baking tray giving space between each bun for activation. Brush top with sauce cover with cloth place in a warm place for 20-40mins.
Once it has double in size pour the rest of the cream over the bun and bake for 25 mins. Oven should be at 180 degree celcius. When it turns golden brown remove from the over and cool down.

Scrape coconut then extract the pure cream. Put into into cream and stir until sugar dissolves.


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