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Good Old Fashion Postal Mail

 I didn't know how much I miss writing or receiving letters. This experience sparked in me a passion to send a note of love and care to friends and family around the world. I guess this new covid normal had sparked up a whole new hobby which I would like to take up. The experience of receiving something in the mail box cannot be compared to receiving a personalise email. Everything from the note itself to the handwriting on the card the envelope everything involves a personal touch and means a lot to the receiver. Sharing with you all my experience and hope it touches you in some way as well to reach out to family and friends through letter writing. So today on my mentoring journey to meet my mentee I decided to check my box at VC. I found some magazines and a lovely anime envelop address to Sharina Paliou . I was quiet excited as hey you don’t receive personal mails anymore and this one was so personalize with her name hand written in capital letters and beautifully drawn pictur...

How to tackle Corona Virus with P91 Tablet

PNG is on high alert as WHO announces corona virus as a epidemic which is spreading around the world. I take time to encourage PNGeans to pray everyday for our people and for the nation as a whole. Pray also  for those who are overseas and infected with the virus pray for God's peace comfort and healing on them during this difficult moment. At home here in PNG we may not have the resources to tackle this demon as the Chinese president puts it but we have a God whose power can destroy this virus.  There is absolute nothing impossible for the God we serve. Take time to read Psalms 91 (coined P91 table) with your family and pray God's protection over them. For those of you who have relatives overseas don't forget to also uphold them in prayer. And above all pray for our nation that it will not enter PNG. Remember faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you cannot see. You can be certain that God will protect you and keep you and your family safe during ...

Tis… the Season to be a blessing

Have you ever asked yourself the question why do I celebrate Christmas? Christmas will come across to all of us with its own meaning and purpose. In the Christian world Christmas is all about the birth of Jesus Christ. The greatest gift anyone could give to the human race was in the form of the son of God Jesus Christ. As the bible says God became man and came to the earth to live his life. So Christmas centers on giving. What can we give this Christmas? Do our children need more toys? Do we need more clothes? Or do I need that electric gadget for my kitchen? So many times we want to receive but are we willing to give? God gave his son to redeem us from sin and give us eternal life and that is the ultimate. Are we willing to give his son a place in our hearts this Christmas?  Friends and family make this season of Christmas a time to give not only gifts to those you love and care about but give to others. Bless those around you it may be a gift or it may be your ti...

The Benefits of Walking

As we age we need to walk more! Papua New Guineans have somehow made vehicle tools of trade become a necessity that has led many down the path way of ill health. We have come to use a car as an excuse to going everywhere even short distances which have made us become so lazy. When my generation grew up walking was a normal way of everyday life. You walk to school you walk to convenience store you walk to church and sometimes even to do shopping. As our lifestyle changes we have come to make walking seen as loosing face with status and privilege. Working class citizens if seen to be walking will make others or peers raise eyebrows. Why have we allowed  vehicles take the place of good old walking which give you more life and energy and extend your living years? Here are some benefits of walking Don’t let a vehicle take away the place of walking in your life. Sometimes leave your car and take a nice good stroll enjoy your neighborhood meet interesting people along the way and ...

Why it is important to buy local.

It is great to see more and more Papua New Guineans venturing into SME. SME has a big impact on our economy therefore if we understand why it is crucial to buy from local traders then it can give you all the more reason to buy. Here are some reasons why you should buy local; When you buy local you help to grow local business because the money stays in the country or in the province where the SME is located. It is estimated that for local business 68% of revenue stays in the country whilst rest is spent overseas. While for foreign owned business 43% is kept in the country whilst 57% is remitted out of the country. Quiet a big difference but enough to drive home the point of why it is crucial that we spend money on local produce. Improve your Health. Good place to start is at your local market, try to spend more from the market and less at the supermarket makes a big different to the hospital bills you pay when you get sick. But this money goes back to the village to help clothe an...

How to instill a passion for reading in your children (Huon Book Worm Maniacs)

Reading is an important activity in the life of any children. With the introduction of smart technology our children are finding reading a challenge. I mean if you were to give children the option of choosing between smart gadgets and books most probably the kids will choose gadgets  over books. Hence as parents we need to come up with creative ways to encourage or motivate our children to read. Hence the birth of our book club called "Huon Book Maniacs". We meet on a bimonthly basis and the kids get to do a review on whatever book they read within the two weeks. Off course we incorporate fun activities like breakers and games and off course food to end off each session. Since starting the club the kids have really embrace the book club and do get to find time to read between the 2 weeks. Some get to read more books others who are not too keen on books do get to finish a book with in the time limit. We also get to pick out the kids interest in literature. This activity ...

Why PNG needs an effective Industrial Relations System

Effective Industrial Relations System & Union Movement In PNG Since taking on teaching the topic of Industrial Relations I have come to realized how important Industrial Relations are in every nation. Here in PNG we major on Human Resource and absorb Industrial Relations into Human Resource however Industrial Relations should be viewed through a different set of eyes and not one with the HR lens. On top of that we also have a union body that is almost covered over and not allowed to play its role effectively in society. Either because they are suppress by the government and employers or they have just lost their creativity to grow and remain active and vibrant in the community. Papua New Guinea inherited its IR policies from its colonial masters.  PNG’s IR system is a product of colonialism (imbun) generally, the colonial state and settler capitalists in PNG were responsible for providing the employment that consequentially contributed to industrial relations. Only a handf...