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Why it is important to buy local.

It is great to see more and more Papua New Guineans venturing into SME. SME has a big impact on our economy therefore if we understand why it is crucial to buy from local traders then it can give you all the more reason to buy.
Here are some reasons why you should buy local;

  1. When you buy local you help to grow local business because the money stays in the country or in the province where the SME is located. It is estimated that for local business 68% of revenue stays in the country whilst rest is spent overseas. While for foreign owned business 43% is kept in the country whilst 57% is remitted out of the country. Quiet a big difference but enough to drive home the point of why it is crucial that we spend money on local produce.
  2. Improve your Health. Good place to start is at your local market, try to spend more from the market and less at the supermarket makes a big different to the hospital bills you pay when you get sick. But this money goes back to the village to help clothe and feed the village kids and also pay for school fees. Plus a real bonus for your health.
  3. Creates friendship when you buy local you get to know your supplier and build a personal relationship. At times you can reply on your network to provide for you when you are faced with a challenge. You know a name and a face that you can call on when you need a help.
  4. You are helping to make the life of another individual and family better off. You are able to help put food on their table pay school fees and ensure that another life is able to survive and do well in society.
  5. By buying local we are encouraging more people to be innovative think outside of the box and produce unique goods or service. This unique product or service gives us our identity and makes that town or province and country stands out.

To sum it all up buying local does more than just give you a good or a service you are making someone else life better and at the same time adding value to your local economy by creating unique product and services that gives our town or cities our nation its uniqueness. Here is a lovely dress sown by Bilasim an aspiring fashion designer with her unique designs hand printed on chiffon  material. Dress style is off the shoulder with a split on the left knee.  Worn by my niece on her graduation cost us K270 and tailor made as per how she wanted it. At the end of the day she was happy and it was worth the money and on top of that we are putting money right back into the economy.


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