I didn't know how much I miss writing or receiving letters. This experience sparked in me a passion to send a note of love and care to friends and family around the world. I guess this new covid normal had sparked up a whole new hobby which I would like to take up. The experience of receiving something in the mail box cannot be compared to receiving a personalise email. Everything from the note itself to the handwriting on the card the envelope everything involves a personal touch and means a lot to the receiver. Sharing with you all my experience and hope it touches you in some way as well to reach out to family and friends through letter writing.
So today on my mentoring journey to meet my mentee I decided to check my box at VC. I found some magazines and a lovely anime envelop address to Sharina Paliou . I was quiet excited as hey you don’t receive personal mails anymore and this one was so personalize with her name hand written in capital letters and beautifully drawn picture of an anime which Sharina loves. I tried not to guess but dying to find out who it was? When I got home as usual Sharina was still asleep so I had to patiently wait until an hour later. As soon as she got up, she opens the envelope and we found a lovely card with some dried flowers and a note wishing both of us well during this covid crisis. The card came from Shirley Ambang one of Sharina’s best friends from Coronation. They both shared the same passion for anime. Skara hope you read this on Sparky’s wall thankyou for your well wishes it made mum’s morning. We hope you will come by and spend some time with us In Pom before you go to Lae, or just come spend some time with us here. Do take care love you keep safe. Such a lovely gesture and who knows with this covid lock down let’s get back to personalize letters and letting family and friends know we care. Thanks Skara!!!!
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