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Reposting this great article from JC BLOg 

The Praying Entrepreneur

A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. Proverbs 18:16 NIV

As an entrepreneur, I had to understand the importance of being Spirit-led in the marketplace, and how prayer is an essential part of moving forward with ideas, making connections and growing in my field. My entire career in sales and marketing consisted of prayer.

Through prayer, I received an opportunity to be paid a full-time salary while working only 15-20 hours a week. This baffled my fellow co-workers until they requested me to pray for their sales too. Prayer gave me a strategic exodus from the workforce as an employee, and spearheaded my drive and desire to establish my own fitness business. As you may know, opening up your own business has enough hurdles to jump over. However, with prayer, I was able to navigate the terrain of a first-year entrepreneur successfully.

I experienced a 300% increase in profits during my second year in business in comparison to my first year, which is understandable being that the business was still young. However, we are currently in our third year and have forecasted another increase of 35%. Spending time in prayer and the Word of God is essential to my progress and thought process.

I am now launching a new business venture which revolves around a mobile application that has the potential to revolutionize shopping. I'm going into the area of technology with no experience in that industry. My background and education are in marketing, but prayer opens up the mind of God in us. I had to learn and consistently remind myself that it's not my business plan, marketing strategy or even connections that prosper me. It is the secret time that I spend with my Father that encourages, empowers and directs my business affairs.

I am a proponent of hard work, and gaining necessary skills needed for my career; however, the best skill that I have acquired was and is the ability to pray and listen to my Father for His direction in business.

Rick D. Applewhite, CEO, Exercise Life, Inc.


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