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Memoirs of an Entrepreneur

 This week marks my first week into the world of SME. I have finally put my hand up to join many others and venture into this space. I have given a good 40+ years into the corporate world and have decided to see how I can do as my own boss. As in any venture I know it wont be easy but God has been the catalyst in ensuring that I take that bold step into the unknow.

This is a pure act of faith but I belive that I have the abilities and God has my back to ensure that I come out on top in this space. It is not easy taking that first step but I know that in time I will reap the benefits. The dream to be a business woman has been stuck with me since childhood. I would be selling little things around the house to my family and forever saving my lunch money so that I have money at the year end to spend on christmas presents. This basic revenue creation and savings culture I develop from those times. I always know that I have a business acumen so when I came to grade 12 I was tossed between law and business. Luckily Law school had me on reserved and so I took the confirmed offer which was a degree in commerce. 

Studing business and actually doing business are totally 2 different fields. Whilst my interest grew I had to put it on the back burner as I had to dealt with many other challengers in life. Getting my child off to finishing her education journey and finally being able to step out into this space but not without putting myself back to school for another entreprenial degree. My degreee from Jospeh Business School in Chicago has given me much needed insight to brave this world of entreprenuialship couple with teachings from the word of God I feel motivated inspired and encourage to take this step into the business world.

I will bring more stories as I journey on and hope it can also inspire and give a picture of what life is like when you step into that space. Using my faith in the market place and allowing Godly wisdow to guide me I am senting out on this journey and I hope I can inspire others as well. Tomorow I will highlight what services my SME provides.


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