I took the girls for a Quackrduck tour. This tour is for 2 hours and takes you on a land and water cruise. Best place to do your booking is on line on Gold Coast Tickets https://www.gold-coast-tickets.com.as it is a really popular tour so it gets booked out very quickly. They do offer discounts as well which you can get per person for $45-$49 depending otherwise normal fare is $50. Most other big attractions at the Gold Coast also use GC tickets.com .The girls were having a bit of fun saying we will be quacking along on the streets of GC and they got a big surprise when the Quackrduck actually did that when the driver honks the horn 😃😃, The horn actual quacks so you do get a fair bit of attention as you are driving down the streets. Don't forget to wave to the locals as you bump along on the streets. The incredible Quack'rDuck, is an amphibious vehicle that travels on both land and water. Explore Surfers Paradise in style, as you travel through its famous roads and catch sight of its renowned attractions.
Travel around Gold coast see famous cafes and restaurants where stars hang out, travel up Nerang river and see where some of the movies stars and singers live in lavish mansions along the water edge. We saw Jackie Chan's home away from home when he takes his family for holidays.
Cruise was great we went around town down into the water just after sea world and came out at South Port. Jasmine our tour guide and the driver keep us informed of all the famous sites along the drive. Your family will thoroughly enjoy the day and the driver has a really good sense of humor so he comes up with some good yarns to keep a smile on your face as you cruise along on land and water.
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