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The Oasis ( An entrepreneurial dream)

Today am doing a review on the brain child of two friends. Both are highly educated, passionate and hard working Papua New Guinean woman pursuing a career in the workforce but also with an entrepreneurial mindset. They were bootstrappers selling their wares out of the boot of their vehicles, then moving onto Pom City Markets and finally owning a small shop.  It was a hobby and a side hustle to bring in  additional cash which has finally given birth to this beautiful chic shop in the SME heart of Port Moresby.

 In the busy Unity Mall at Steamships compound (Waigani) there is another warehouse that lies to it's left. This building houses a couple of second hand shops at the front and as you come down the side you will see the entrance to Sed Optical. As you enter the building and look left you will see a neatly set out shop called the Oasis.

Beautifully set out taking on a boho and minimalistic look. The shop sells handmade jewellery, PNG made home décor, with female and kids clothing, topped off with American baked goodies. The jewelry (necklace and ear rings) are all exquisitely handmade in boho style with rich earthy colors. Female clothing comprises of shirts, tops and skirts from plus size to kids sizes. There are authentic Bougainville baskets, trays and fans from Gulf. With cute indoor potted plants (cactus and Sansevieria)/mother in-laws tongues)  in stylist pots neatly arranged to suit all types of living spaces.  There is something for every occasion whether it be woman's accessories, home décor or woman's wear. Plus you can also pick up some  American baked goods from cup cakes to donuts and scones. And the price is so reasonable I nearly fell off my feet.

All this brought about by Papua New Guineans who are passionate in nation building. It was a dream that has given birth to reality. There are many Papua New Guineans who want to step into that space and you can be able to, just keep dreaming big. 

Everything we need, is in this nation and we are the ones who will make this nation great again. So come around when you have time pick a piece or two and support locals bring back our PNG Pride and make PNG Great. When you support local industries you are keeping money in the country to grow our economy and build our nation. 

The Oasis is waiting for you, put it down on your next to visit shop, in Pom or if you are traveling in from overseas make sure you stop by to pick up an authentic PNG gift. #SupportPNGMade #Buylocal #MakePNGGreat  #TheOasis.


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