We live in an era where good photography is endless and photographers are limitless. But finding a photographer with quality photography and videography skills is a gem. Today am show casing the ability of I-Lone Imagery, a quality creative and passionate photographer who can shoot from various angles using DSL camera and also incorporate drone shots to create a great aerial photography or videography to suit your photography needs.
He is an avid photographer who perfected his craft over time. This is a side hobby and something he loves doing so he has turned his passion into a side SME business. He caters for corporate events or personal events with reasonable costing to suit your budget. A smart intelligent and professional gentlemen to work with. He likes to create moments that inspire your various photography needs from scenic views to culture, people, events and lifestyle. Here is a short video he did for the International woman's day walk with City Hall as a testament to his awesome skills. It is pretty amazing work.
Let's continue to support locals by engaging their services. The more we support locals the more we give back to our local economy, by keeping money within the country.
If you are thinking of hosting an event or in need of a good photographer and videographer then look no further Check out his facebook page for details or contact him as per below: #iloneimagery #Amaturephtogrpaher #supportlocals #makePNGGreat #Buylocal
FB loneilandimageryl
(📱) 7086 2028

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