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Rondon Ridge Hotel

 Last November I spend a few days in this beautiful part of the Country. I went up for work but decided to take a day off and spend on the site and explore the surroundings.

Rondon Ridge Hotel is a spectacular place to stay in Mt Hagen if  you are visiting Mt Hagen whether as a local or an international visitor. It boast a spectacle panoramic view of the Waghi valley below. It is nestle on the side of the ridge looking down on the city of Mt Hagen. A luxurious beautiful setting in the middle of a rural landscape. It boast beautiful apartments with wide views in the evening looking down to the valley below. Driving to the site is like driving in the middle of the forest and suddenly the hotel comes into view. Remote and isolate but accessible to good internet and mobile network. 

Rondon is a sister hotel to Bensbechs and Karawari lodge. It has hosted some world famous people in the likes of Mike Jagger yes from rolling stones and David Beckham former Manchester United player.

If you want a real getaway for a peace of mind to rest and recuperate than this is the most ideal place. They also organize tours through Trans Niugini down to villages and to visit other places in Mt Hagen. You can do that either through the Trans website in advance or at the hotel reception once you get there.

I just wanted to recuperate spend some time in prayer and reflect on the word.

They have scenic bird views an animal farm and a bush trail if you want to go for walks around the hotel setting. The staff are very friendly and hospitable and it is one of the safest place to stay.

I said and quote "it was like you are in heaven looking down on earth" truly a breath taking scene at dusk just as the sun is setting.


  1. Great review. If ever I get to visit Mt Hagen, I'll call into Rondon


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