Taking the vaccine seems to be the biggest challenge for every country on earth. There are so many earthizents who have their own opinion from so many conspiracy theories being release by people all over the world. Everyone of us is entitled to their opinion and the choice that they make. I was in that group I also had a lot of negative thoughts and so many questions but as I saw more and more people dying I realised that half the people who gave those theories are also fearful themselves. Most of what they wrote is based on their assumptions and not on concrete evidence. In a developing nation like mine where you have lack of good hospital and medical services the risk of not taking the vaccine is high. If we want to protect our population the safest way would be taking the vaccine. In fact as a Christian it took me months to pray about this and ask God to guide me in making the right choice. In fact God gave me the peace to do the right thing and to minimize the exposure of other people who have not taken the vaccine. The word that came to me was from Mark 12:17 Give to Caesar what is Caesar and give to God what is God. If God has given people the knowledge to create this vaccine to tackle the corona virus then the right thing is to roll up that sleeve and take that jab. If God did not give them then who would? God is a giver of life and am sure vaccine would be something on his list to help protect the people he created. For those of you who are sitting on the peripheral make that choice because you have the peace to do so and not because you are coercive or forced to do so. For those in the western world who have access to better and good medical facilities and oxygen please be mindful of what you post on the web as you are influencing the messes in the developing nations who have limited or none of the medical privileges you enjoy in your countries. Whilst you can get away by not taking the vaccine or following the vaccine protocols people in the developing world have a higher chance of dying because they read your post and are convinced to follow what you stated. Remember we all have a responsibility to another human and if we make the right choice no matter how personal it is it has the chance to have an influence on everyone around us. May God's protection continue to keep us all safe in this challenging times.
On April 28 1978, the government declared that Friday should be set aside as a national dress day. Citizens were encourage to wear their cultural wear to work or school. The day was referred to as Toana day. The thinking behind that day was to encourage cultural embracement and initiate a national wear which in time will take on its style and become the national wear for contemporary PNG. Toana is from the motuan language 3rd widely spoken language in PNG and it means a symbol or a sign. A fitting word to signify the day. I am taking up this space again to feature one piece of unique clothing that has come to make its mark in PNG known as the Meri Blouse.Little did they envisage what the meri blouse would become to PNG woman.And meri blouse was introduce by Missionaries to help cover bare breast woman in the colonial days. Highly criticise as shapeless and without form created to hide the beautiful curvy body of Melanesian woman meri blouse has stood its time and held it's ...
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