We live in a world where everyday we have to interact with people. In this process of interaction we display a wide variety of emotions. Some display feelings of happiness, other sadness, others anger and so on and so on. I particularly want to talk about handling negative emotions in a way that you over come them and move on to a better place. It is not an easy thing and I am guilty of a lot of times loosing my temper saying things that I regret saying hurting other people in the process and causing grieve I guess to those we love the most too.
Firstly we have to understand that we are humans and as humans we will always make mistakes, but we must be ready to say am sorry be ready to admit our faults and move on if and when we need to. Not everything will work out the way we want to. There will be times when things are beyond our control and we just dont know how to work it out. If we are too controlling then it literally makes it harder for us to deal with the situation. Therefore if we want to find the best way forward we need to let go and accept those broken pieces. No-one is perfect and not everything is silver lining. Sometimes we just need to let the world see us as we are instead of us trying to make ourselves look good in front of everybody. Let the world see the broken the messed up the not so perfect person it makes it much easier to deal with life. Yes I will look bad right now but in time it will heal those bad days will go away and we will see good days.
I guess you would also ask what about the other party? I guess for me it has to be me easier for me to deal with me than trying to make someone else become what I want them to be. If I can change and make myself become better for me then I can become better for that other person too.
We can argue and say all we want and look at the problem from every different perspective but the ball is in our courts. If we are going to see beautiful days ahead then we need to manage life from our end and first of all manage me make me become a better person become a good person and then there will be sunshine on everything we look at.
So be happy find your happiness love yourself and love life...…nobody will make you happy only you hold the key to your happiness
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