Been are long day today before I knocked off just smiling to myself reminiscing todays event. We all have our fair share of things that life throws at us.....Today I needed to go to VC to pick up some quotes so I went to Cool Stuff and ask the ladies there to give a quote for 10 phones. Typical shops they will pass you from one person to the next so the ladies at the counter directed me to another person who would take the details and ensure the quote is sent. So to save us both the time I gave her my business card and ask her if she could send the details to the address on the card. She got the card looked at me and looked at the card and asked me who should she attention it to. I said attention it to the name on the card, but she kept on looking at me wanting me to explain further I presume she thought I was carrying around someone else's card so I looked at her gave her my biggest smile and whispered quietly to her that the person on the card is me. The shocked that came over her when she realized got me laughing and we both had a good laugh she started apologizing and said she will pass it on to her manager I said all good I looked down at my skinny jeans and my Nestle black Polo and had the biggest grin as I walked out of the shop.....I remember the time I was in Malaysia and walked into a printing shop owned by Australians to sign off on our local livery that they were printing I flew in from Singapore that morning and was meeting up with them by 11am the Director came out to met me and I think he got the biggest shock of his life because he did not expect Miriam to be a black woman let alone from PNG I smiled my biggest and said Sir nice to met you and I also brought you some PNG coffee and chocolate (Queen Emma) to make up for his wrong assumption he went out of his way to ensure my day at the factory was well taken care of till my cab picked me up in the afternoon to take me back to the hotel....people everywhere see life through difference lenses I guess but it is always good to laugh it off and live life as simple as can be. When we were in Melbourne Sharina came home from school one day and wanted me to pay for something I can't remember what it was. So the next day I took her to school and then went up to the office to see the ladies to sort it out. I walked in and the lady asked me how will you pay, which I felt was a bit absurd as the requirement was credit card. So I looked at her and said with my credit card....she still kept on looking and asking the same question again so I knew what she was assuming I kindly explained to her that the name on the card is mine and I was a student from Swinburne and before I could finish her supervisor overheard our conversation and came out to personally apologize and explain the precaution they take because she mistook me for someone doesn't matter how people treat us what matters is how we react to situations best remedy is to laugh it off and treat them back with kindness.
On this International Woman's Day, I wanted to share my mum's story on her journey and her aspirations in life. To also give us a glimpse into what life was like back then and what they did to build the young PNG nation. I would not be where I am today if she did not first embark on her own journey of education, career marriage and life. My mother's journey began in her village of Dogur in the Dagua LLG of the East Sepik Province. She was born on the 6th of September 1947. She already had 5 older siblings and she was the 5th born with 2 others after her. Born to parents who were subsistence farmers their lives revolve around fishing, gardening, hunting and gathering food to feed the family. A typical village day would consist of women going to the garden, to work on their vegetables patches whilst the man would go hunting/setting traps for bandicoot or fishing in the small creeks, rivers or the sea. Their stable diet is sago so each family has their own sago plots in th...
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