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Memoirs of an Entrepreneur


Been awhile since I have been on this journey and writing about my experiance. Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint hearted. You need to have a deep drive and grit to dig your heels in when the going gets tought. You will meet many people along this journey, some will be rooting for you, some will observe you from a distance, others will want to jump in on the band wagon, others will somehow drop you abruptly but that is the beauty of being an entrepreneur.

Teaching learning opening your heart out to others but at the same time be shrewd, sharp and collective when it comes to making decisions. If opportunities pass you by fold up and move on, if people are toxic drop them and move on. If the government does not help you find a way and make it work. If someone promises something and does not give it to you it does not matter. If noone supports you keep chasing your dreams.

You develop this 5th sense of survival sassing people, situations and circumstances out remenber not everyone has your best interest at heart. That is typical human nature don't have high expectations or you will be disappointed. Life was never meant to be easy but when you work hard you go to sleep knowing you have given yourself the very best. That only you hold your destiny in your hands. 

In this trade you are jack of all trades, cleaner,receptionist,driver,admin asistant, accountant, marketer and offcourse the CEO of your own firm. Which is a big +. Always be kind and collective and treat people with respect and with empathy. Never use your tittle to abuse and use people to your advantage. Price well and price realistically your goods and services. Always think of serving the other person and work backwards. When you don't chase money it will come chasing you. And alwasy remeber Rome was not build in a day, you will not be millionaires overnight.  When you do honest work good will come back to you.

Proverbs 14:23 (NIV)

“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

What about me? I am truely enjoying this journey. Every up and down moment is one of learning and adjusting and seeing pespective from a new lens of life. Celebrating my success and mistakes and growing each time I encounter those moments. Gettting offers to go back to the work force but living my dream is the best choice for me.

Taking each day as special, being gratefull for being in the moment. I never start and end my day without prayer and seeking Godly wisdom. Spending time with God has become a more enriching moment as I manage my own time. I draw away from work daily just to commune and sit in his presence for 30 mins or an hour every day which is very refreshing.

Continue seekling Godly wisdom and be a blessing to everyone around you. Make prayer, reading your bible a daily must as you walk this journey out with the Lord. Be blessed and stay bless and may God continue to bless you



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