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Memoirs of an Entrepreneur

 Following on from my last post I said to give you insights and ideas on how to grow your presence on social media. So here it is in this day and age where you find a phone in the hands of everyone digital is the way to go. As an SME having your presence on social media is a must but not necessarily on every social site. I have shared with you the stats in my last post which states facebook has 90% of all social media users in PNG. So it makes perfect sense to have a business facebook account. You can also have one on LinkedIn as it will be a good way to reach out to corporate clients. I would not recomend  Instagram but if you would like to by all means but it would be more visual and less words.

All of these sites dont require any fee it is totally free. But remenber to create business acounts and so it keeps your business seperate to your personal account. Like all social sites you need to provide content everyday to grow and keep your followers interested in following your business. It is better to provide weekly content either daily or twice a week or 3 times and create a work schedule that suits you.

Facebook has meta business and recently it added a feature where you can schedule a post and it will post it for you on both facebook and instagram. Good if you can have a monthly or weekly schduele set up so facebook works to those timing. Create your post in advance schedule it and let facebook post it for you.

When creating a post think of what you want to post, whether you want to educate, inform, bring awareness, make a sale etcetc create the post from the mind of your followers. Think of how they will see it and understand and work backwards. Ensure what you are saying is clear, easy to understand it is visible and stands out. Use colours and pictures that will pop once you get their attention they will stop and read your post.

Keep your content coming if your followers are inspired and entertained they will continue to follow your page. Continue to create connections and build a community, if someone post a comment on your page, reply, if they send you a message on messenger take time to reply. Think about your answer and answer back politely. Once you moved pass customers to a community you will have them market your good or service everytime something new comes out. They will spread the buzz word to evryone around them.

The ideal number you want to have on any social sites would be about 600k followers once you get there then growing upward would be easier. All sites provide you the options of advertising which is the quickest way to grow your following. Unfortunately facebook does not use kina as a option for payment so you will use AUD. As long as you have a visa or credit card you can pay as per your budget and facebook will push out the adverts for you based on the algorithms around your business and customers.

The lowest amount you want to charge would be $1.53 you start from there and work upwards basing on the cash you have on hand.

Currently I am running adverts on facebook and pushing it every 3 days and it is doing great for me. I am getting customers enquiring on products and asking for quotes which is what I wanted.  First advert I got 200 followers and I started with the lowest rate of $1.53 and the 2nd advert I used $12/day and it is doing very well.

If you want any help or asistance on creating your social media site or if you have questions and want clarification please dont hesitate to reach out to me. And remenber always ask God for wisdom as you walk out this journey of entrepreneurship. Godbless

Proverbs 4:11  I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths. 


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