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Rapopo Plantation Resort

 This is a  review of the beautiful town of Kokopo and Rabaul. I have stayed at different hotels and lodges but my favorite would be Rapopo Plantation Resort. Rapopo used to be a coconut plantation that a German couple bought and turned it into a picturesque resort on the edge of pristine crystal clear waters looking across to Mt Tavuvur Volcano in Rabaul. More than 15+ years ago it was an ugly site spewing ash on Rabaul and Kokopo. Today it has quieten down a bit but it does have its moments.

Rapopo Plantation Resort is 15 mins from Tokua airport and 5 mins from Kokopo town. An hidden gem tucked away behind coconut trees with majestic views looking across to Simpson Harbour in Rabaul. Every guest that comes to Rapopo gets the traditional welcome song with a lei put around their necks and a refreshing kulau (coconut) drink whilst you wait to get your rooms sorted out. Known for its sea food menu Rapopo's kitchen cooks up a storm of sea food galore that you cannot get enough of. Fresh cray fish and prawns and fish in abundance that are brought across to the resort every morning by the villages so guest get to dine on fresh sea food daily. The waters are so rich and abundant with sea food and you also get the abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables from Kokopo market.   

Rapopo's rooms are nice and clean from twin share to executive suits there is something to suit your budget. It has a nice sit down deck over the waters that you can relax in the evening as you eat your dinner, listening to the sea waves over conversation with friends and family. Great place to go for corporate meetings or for family vacation or time with your group of friends. There are also great sight seeing activities like the Japanese tunnels and hospital for a bit of history from our colonial era.

They also organize visit by boat across to Mt Tavuvur for hiking up to the volcano summit. Not for the fainted hearted doe be prepared to climb to the summit and then decent down to a special platform to take a peak at the sleeping giant. There are hot springs at the foot of the mount where villages cook mega pod eggs and then sell to the tourist. Go prepared with cash as the village ladies will be waiting on the shore when you come down to pick up a sculpture made out of volcanic ash or some other memorabilia made by the villages. The 3 Matupit villages provide guides who walk you up to the mountain for a fee of K50/person. If you leave from the resort you will leave early in the morning at sunrise 6am take a 30 min boat ride across to the island and then climb the volcano which may take 20min to 1hour depending on your fitness level.  So if you want to reach the summit get yourself prepared before you fly over.

Rapopo also had it's share of famous people visiting the place. My favorite British actor Martin Clunes  from my favorite brit soupy Doc Martins did spend some time there filming the islands of South Pacific just before covid hit the global world in 2019. The Rabaul portion is yet to make it's debut but you can check it out on YouTube or 7Plus. I am looking forward to seeing the Rabaul portion which should debut this year 2023.. 

A visit to Rapopo is not completed if you don't go to Kokopo market. A beautiful site of colors with organic fresh fruits and vegetables sold by the local villages. My favorite place is the cook food section where you get to pick up a fresh cassava and banana cake all made from fresh local ingredients cooked in hot stones (mumu). That is my usual breakfast a mumu tapioca cake and fresh smoked tuna/trevally to compliment my cup of Nescafe 3in1. 


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