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Showing posts from October, 2020

The Heart of Selling

I once taught a subject at Uni called "Salesmanship" I loved the course taught it to 2nd year Management Students, found time to incorporate practical aspects from the trade by bringing in guest lectures real field sales man to teach the course to the students.... When I stumble  across this article from James it made me smile...selling is an art but you need to do it from the heart...great article you sales people might want to take a read and hope it puts a smile on your face just like it did mine. BTW these were some of my students from that salesmanship class. (source: Palookaville by Seth) E ditor’s note:   James Altucher  is an investor, programmer, author, and several-times  entrepreneur . His latest book  is  “Choose Yourself!”   (foreword by Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter). Follow James on Twitter  @jaltucher . I’ve never read a book on sales. They seemed corny. Like many people, I always looked down on the concept of “selling.” It see...