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My Mother's Story (Mercia Paliou)

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Stop Leaving from Pay Check to Pay Check

Reposted from KCM Blog; Your ability to have a better financial future begins with renewing your mind and putting into practice these 3 Keys To Stop Living Paycheck to Paycheck. Do you feel anxious when you go to the mailbox or open an email? Do you struggle to decide which bills to pay and which bills to delay? Can you barely afford your mortgage or rent? Are you unable to give a savings account a second thought? Be encouraged that as a child of God, God’s will is that you thrive and prosper. The good news is that God wants you to have more than enough! He wants you to have a savings account—with money in it! Such security and prosperity are not a pipe dream; they are attainable, even if your circumstances seem impossible, even if you got yourself in that place. Your ability to have a better financial future begins with renewing your mind—with changing how you see God, how you see yourself, and how you manage money. “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you thin...

Importance of Goal Setting for Success (SMART)

 Purpose of goal setting. Why do we set goals in life? It might seem tedious at first, and some people might even feel anxious just thinking about it. The fear of not achieving a goal often makes us worry about failure. But that's the beauty of goals—they are designed to guide us toward success. If you don't reach a goal, it's perfectly fine to carry it over to the next year. Goals keep us moving forward, helping us reach our desired destinations. They provide focus, motivation, and give our lives purpose and meaning. Goals hold us accountable and instill a sense of responsibility to achieve them. When we accomplish our goals, we become mentors and inspirations, motivating others to live their best lives. Remember to set SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. And if you ever doubt yourself, think of the story of Moses. When God called him to lead the Israelites, he doubted his abilities. But God didn’t judge Moses by his self-perception; i...

The Kindness of Sunny

  Once upon a time , in a bustling forest, there lived a little sparrow named Sunny. Sunny was known throughout the forest for his cheerful chirping and compassionate nature. He had a small nest atop a sturdy oak tree, where he lived with his family. One sunny morning, as Sunny was flying around the forest, he noticed a group of animals gathered around a distressed rabbit. Curious, Sunny flew closer to see what was happening. The rabbit, named Rosie, was sobbing uncontrollably. Concerned, Sunny landed softly on a nearby branch and chirped, “What’s wrong, Rosie? Why are you crying?” Rosie wiped her tears and sniffled, “Oh, Sunny, it’s my little brother, Oliver. He’s fallen sick, and I don’t know what to do. We don’t have enough food, and I fear he won’t make it through the night.” Sunny felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He knew he had to help. “Don’t worry, Rosie. I’ll do everything I can to help Oliver feel better,” he assured her. With determination in his eyes, Sunny flew off ...

Memoirs of an Entrepreneur

  Been awhile since I have been on this journey and writing about my experiance. Being an entrepreneur is not for the faint hearted. You need to have a deep drive and grit to dig your heels in when the going gets tought. You will meet many people along this journey, some will be rooting for you, some will observe you from a distance, others will want to jump in on the band wagon, others will somehow drop you abruptly but that is the beauty of being an entrepreneur. Teaching learning opening your heart out to others but at the same time be shrewd, sharp and collective when it comes to making decisions. If opportunities pass you by fold up and move on, if people are toxic drop them and move on. If the government does not help you find a way and make it work. If someone promises something and does not give it to you it does not matter. If noone supports you keep chasing your dreams. You develop this 5th sense of survival sassing people, situations and circumstances out remenber not ev...

Memoirs of an Entrepreneur (Faith)

  As a christian, business owner how do we live our life as a christian and at the same time trade and do business in the community. Do we seperate God from what we do and conduct our business strictly seperated from our faith.  God is the greatest business man he incoporated business into the daily lives of the Isrealites. Today we hide God from our board rooms and put our faith away when it comes to professionalism. However I want to encourage christian Papua New Guineans to live life as a christian the same as you would in church and home and as how you would run your business. What is the secret to over coming our daily challenges in business. I would say the first and formost challenge would be how do I generate revenue? How do I bring customers to buy my goods and services. How do I make money? In my experiance the first thing is to take it to the Lord in Prayer. Before you react before you pick up your phone and speak to anyone take time to pray and when you pray listen...


  Monday is National Prayer Day. Let's take this opportunity to spend time in prayer. There are important events coming up in the nation take time to pray for the Pope visit to PNG, for the VOC coming up in September and there are many others but these are just a few we mention. When situations and circumstances are beyound us take time to pray, what we don't have control over God is more than able to do.  Are you anxious? Pray. (reposted with permission from KCM) “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). Are you fearful? Pray. “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid? What can mere mortals do to me?” (Psalm 56:3-4). Are you worried? Pray. “That...